Accessibility Statement for Bill Mack Gallery:

At Bill Mack Gallery, we are dedicated to ensuring that our digital assets are accessible to all individuals.
Our commitment is rooted in providing people with disabilities the same opportunities to access and benefit from the information and products available through our online platform at and at our physical gallery locations.

Currently, Bill Mack Gallery is actively assessing our digital assets and website user experience to enhance accessibility. We will consistently update our website to the best of our abilities to achieve this goal. We also collaborate with various artists who contribute ancillary assets, and we will work to improve the accessibility of their content as well. While representing a catalog of our nature presents unique challenges, we will strive to evaluate and test our website and assets for WCAG 2.1 conformance wherever feasible.
In our ongoing commitment to accessibility, we will provide additional descriptive information and regular updates to enhance our web environment.

Bill Mack Gallery is proactive in adhering to accessibility best practices as defined by relevant laws and governing bodies. As our content primarily revolves around dynamic visual art, we will make alternative formats and communication support available upon request and where applicable.

When providing alternative formats, we prioritize consultation with the requesting individual to ensure that the accessible format or communication support meets their specific needs.

For requests related to alternative formats or communication support, please use the Accessibility Request contact form below or email us.

We value your input on how we can further improve the accessibility of our website. Feel free to reach out to us via email or by using the Accessibility Request contact form below.


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